Greek philosophers believed the universe was governed by

Asked by maham237 @ in History viewed by 546 People

Greek philosophers believed the universe was governed by natural and unnatural laws. independence and democracy. absolute and unchanging laws. good and evil.

Answered by maham237 @


Greek philosophers believed the universe was governed by natural and unnatural laws.


The main idea behind this principle is that the Universe follows laws. For the Greeks, however, these laws could be natural (physical and possible to understand through observation), and unnatural (sometimes referred to as the gods and impossible to explain through observation.

Answered by maham237 @


Greek philosophers believed the universe was governed by natural and unnatural laws.


The main idea behind this principle is that the Universe follows laws. For the Greeks, however, these laws could be natural (physical and possible to understand through observation), and unnatural (sometimes referred to as the gods and impossible to explain through observation.

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