Why do we need a constitution for a country

Asked by admin @ in Political Science viewed by 338 People

Why do we need a constitution?Answer In points.

Answered by admin @

Hey there!

Before understanding why do we need a constitution. Let's understand what actually a constitution is.

In the late 17 , 18 centuries most of the countries were being ruled by kings. King has the Supreme authority of taking any decision. There were kings who were devoted to make their kingdom a happiest one. But some kings were not responsible. Just then, A feeling of nationalism rose in people. People started uniting groups of people who speak same language and share same culture.

Later, Most of the countries believed that Democracy would be the best form of government where people will be the rulers.

India after becoming independent, had chosen to be a democratic country. To get this country ruled by a democratic government was not easy, Hence there was a need of constitution.

What is a Constitution :

                           Constitution is a set of rules that government must follow in their rule, principle with which the country be governed, and the rights of citizens that government must protect .

Need of a constitution :

  1. For a country like India with greater population, different people have different opinions and with people changing, The way of living might change if there is no proper rules to govern.
  2. Constitution was also necessary to protect the rights that citizens of India must enjoy.
  3. It was also necessary to make sure that No Indian citizen will suffer discrimination, injustice based on his caste, creed, and religion .
  4. It was also necessary to make sure that No person either Indian or other will disrespect the nation, it's principles .
  5. Constitution was also needed to assert a government which will work selflessly for the people.
  6. Constitution further also protects the liberty, freedom of citizens which they must enjoy as Indians
  7. Constitution also gives rights and duties to the citizens of the country and government ensures that rights are being enjoyed.

                           Constitution also helps in correct administration by constituting the governmemt into various forms like central, state .It helps to have a acceptable governance , fair administration and makes country a better place to live in. In Simple terms ,Constitution Is the Builder of A Nation And Government Which Every Citizens Agrees.

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