The earth was formed out of water and by water

Asked by admin @ in Geography viewed by 407 People

Complete the sentences to explain how the oceans on Earth were formed

Answered by admin @

The oceans on Earth were formed by the water that came from the volcanoes and the space bodies falling on Earth's surface.


When Earth formed, and a long time after that, it didn't had any major water bodies on it. The biggest reason for that was that the temperature on the surface of Earth was too high, so the water was not able to stay and build up in liquid form. That started to gradually change though, as the Earth's surface cooled off significantly and started to form hard surface.

The volcanic activity was constantly pumping out water vapor into the atmosphere, and there was lot of asteroids, meteors, and comets falling constantly on Earth, all of which were bringing frozen water with them. Over the course of hundreds of millions of years, the amount of water was increasing, and the first water bodies formed, and gradually they covered the majority of the planet's surface, forming the first oceans.

Learn more about comets and asteroids


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