Describe the shift in attitude surrounding debt in the 1920s

Asked by admin @ in English viewed by 190 People


CommonLit Answer "The Roaring Twenties" By Mike KubricPART A: Which of the following statements best describes a central idea of the text?A)Capitalism is to blame for the Great Depression and the end of the Roaring Twenties because this economic system only benefits wealthy people.B)Americans were more consumed with entertainment and reckless behavior in the 1920s, allowing the government to make bad decisions.C)Americans were indulging in excess and deregulation during the 1920s, unaware this would contribute to an economic crisis.D)Hoover’s progressive policies were not enough to undo much of the damage that was done during the Harding and Coolidge administrations.PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A?A)“It was a period when they reveled in the high jinks of what the period’s historian Nathan Miller called an ‘era of wonderful nonsense’” ( Paragraph 1)B)“In no mood to worry whether the good times will last, Americans were happily spending money they had had to save because of wartime shortages” ( Paragraph 7)C)“‘The only trouble with capitalism is capitalists,’ he complained. ‘They’re too d*mn greedy.’” ( Paragraph 18)D)“Hoover tried to stymie the fall by increasing public works spending to $434 million – an enormous sum for the period” ( Paragraph 21)

Answered by admin @

The answer to part A of the question is that Americans were indulging in excess and deregulation during the 1920, unaware this would contribute to an economic crisis.

This was supported by the detail from paragraph 7, "In no mood to worry whether the good times will last, Americans were happily spending money they had had to save because of wartime shortages."

Mike Kubic's "The Roaring Twenties" delves into the lives of the American people during the early 1920s, the years after the US won the First World War. This article explores the events that would also lead to the economic crisis that would plunge America into an almost irrecoverable abyss.

  • Part A of the question asks about the central idea of the article.
  • A central idea is the main issue or topic around which the author is writing the whole text.
  • This means that the central idea is the topic that the author wants the readers to remember and focus on.
  • So, the central idea of the article is how Americans lived a life of indulgence and excess after the success, unaware of what was to happen to them later.
  • Part B requires the supporting detail from the text for Part A.
  • This can be found in the statement "In no mood to worry whether the good times will last...." found in paragraph 7.
  • Here, the author talks about how the Americans were spending money in excess as if they were trying to recover or re-live the times lost because of the war.

The article focuses on how America's economic crisis was caused by extreme carelessness on the part of the people. Though it is not primarily caused by them, it was also part of why the nation suffered the economic crisis. Thus, the correct answers are options C for Part A and option B for Part B.

Learn more about the Roaring Twenties here:

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