What does each branch point on an evolutionary tree represent

Asked by admin @ in Biology viewed by 235 People

The evolutionary history of a group of organisms can be represented in a branching diagram called a phylogenetic tree. Phylogenetic trees are visual representations of evolutionary relationships between organisms. Drag the terms on the left to the appropriate blanks on the right to complete the sentences. A) branch point B) evolutionary lineage C) taxon D) sister taxa 1. The horizontal line indicating a branch on a phylogenetic tree represents ancestral forms of the named taxon, thereby illustrating the ______ leading to that taxon. 2) The point at which two or more lineages diverge from their common ancestor is called a(n) _______ or node. 3) Each branch tip on a phylogenetic tree represents a specific group of organisms known as a(n) 4) ____ are groups of organisms that share a unique common ancestor not shared by any other groups

Answered by admin @

1. The right answer is Evolutionnary lineage.

The evolutionary descent is the succession of species which is a line of ratios; each species is a direct result of the species of a direct species ancestor. Attitude is a branch in the evolutionary tree of life. Evolutionary pathways are usually determined by the use of molecular technique. For example, the tree in the picture shows the life-span of three early branches: bacteria, vertebrates, and vertebrates.

2. The right answer is Branch point

The point of connection is the point where two (or more) lineages are diverging from their common ancestor or joining one another. It is with lineages and branch points that the taxonomy (the classification) can be represented by linking the ascendents and the descendants.

3. The right answer is Taxon

Un taxon correspond à une entité d'êtres vivants regroupés parce qu'ils possèdent des caractères en communs du fait de leur parenté, et permet ainsi de classifier le vivant à travers la systématique. Il existe plusieurs rangs taxinomiques, du plus large (procaryote ou eucaryote) au plus restreint (species).

4. The right answer is Sister taxa.

In phylogenetics, the two clades together forming an entire clade are called sibling groups (sister groups, or sister taxa) of each other (but sister groups may be more than two).

For example, in the cladogram below, the tribes of Panini (chimpanzees) and Hominini (men), which are two clades, are two sister groups because they together form the subfamily Homininae which is a clade too. It should be noted that clades are not necessarily taxa and vice versa (it can not be deduced that two taxa of the same rank included in an immediately higher taxon are sister groups).

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