Name two cell organelles that are double membrane bound

Asked by admin @ in Biology viewed by 292 People

Name any two cell organelles which are bounded by double membrane which is found one

in plant cell and another both in plants and animals.कोई दो कोशिका अंगक का नाम लिखें जो द्वयझिल्ली से घिरा है तथा जो एक पौधा (वनस्पति) कोशिकाऔरदूसरादोनों यानी वनस्पति व जन्तु कोशिका में पाया जाता है।​

Answered by admin @

Hey! Your answer---

Double membrane bonded cell organelles are--

  • Double membrane bonded cell organelles are--Mitochondria-found in plant and animal both
  • Double membrane bonded cell organelles are--Mitochondria-found in plant and animal bothChloroplast-only found in plant

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